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The ageLOC TR90 program is a weight management system which consists of three dietary supplements, protein shake formulations, a simple eating plan, and physical activity recommendations. The ageLOC TR90 product regimen includes a powder mix-in beverage supplement known as ageLOC TR90 JumpStart, two encapsulated dietary supplements known as ageLOC TR90 Fit and ageLOC TR90 Control, and ageLOC TR90 TrimShakes formulated to meet specific protein requirements. ageLOC TR90 JumpStart is used during the first 15 days of the program. The eating plan provides optimal portions of protein, fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates based on hand sizes so intake is proportional to an individual's body size. The central design of the eating plan is to create a caloric deficit without creating a protein deficit, with the intent to minimize diet-induced lean muscle loss, and increase healthy metabolism. Emerging weight management research indicates that most westernized diets consume adequate daily protein but only with the largest meal of the day (typically dinner). Key points of the TR90 eating plan include: 1) equal distribution of protein intake among each of three daily meals (approximately 30 grams of protein per meal), 2) limiting intake of excess carbohydrates including grains, pastas, and breads, 3) consuming small healthy snacks two to three times each day, 4) consuming large portion sizes of fruits and vegetables to remain in line with recommended intakes of 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Exercise recommendations strive for regular physical activity from aerobic and resistance training.